• C/SANT EUSEBI 40-44 - 08006 - BARCELONA - SPAIN

ELIAEVRU // 17.04.12 – 14.06.12


Elia (Alice di Carlo) – a young Italian artist born in Pescara in 1985 – connected with Evru through his studies and work around poetry, writing and drawing in 2011. Their common interests would lead them to make a series of leporellos, in which they reflect on the dissolution of the artist as a figure, a factor that has always been present in Evru’s work from his beginning through his change of identity, until arriving to the willing of making the “I” disappearing through the collective and web work.


In the leporellos of EliaEvru, the limits between the work of one author and another are inseparable, elaborating a language in which the flaw of line is unreachable and unattainable. They make a series of work on “four hands” in which the two authors dialogue through their drawings, they paint and erase on what the other drew, deepening in concepts such as identity, authorship, the loss of control over one’s work or the fragmentation and dissolution of individuality.